CAPM Training Course Description in Wirral, England
iCert Global is conducting 3-day full-time CAPM® Certified Associate In Project Management certification exam prep training course in Wirral, England, United Kingdom. Our quality course content, expert trainer, learning sessions with real-life examples and case studies; two full-length CAPM exam practice tests, 300 CAPM exam prep questions with answers and explanation, and 3 months complimentary CAPM e-learning access will provide you optimum training that enables you to achieve your learning objectives. We will also provide 23 contact hours certificate on successful completion of the 3-day CAPM training course in Wirral, England.
Our trainer will focus on the course content from an examination point of view to ensure your success in the CAPM certification exam. Our classroom training session also includes 3 months complimentary e-learning to ensure that you continue your exam prep in earnest after the classroom training session. The practice exams with answers and explanation will enable you to benchmark your score and focus on areas of improvement.
Take the first step towards exploring an opportunity to be a global project management professional. Prepare for the CAPM® certification exam and fast track your career as a project management professional. Join Now! Please fill-in the enquiry form or call now on 01 322-476-113 or e-mail info (at) icertglobal (dot) com for our training consultant to understand your training requirements and guide you with an optimum way to achieve your learning objectives